Freud has spoken about the stages of psycho-sexual development. Eric Erikson has spoken about the psycho-social stages of development. Yoga speaks about the sequential activation of the seven “chakras” as part of yogic development (mental and physical). Yogic development is also the development of our “perceived awareness”.

There are 3 states of our awareness, the awake, the asleep and the deep sleep. Our perception of “awareness” is usually only in the awake state. However, consider this, have you ever woken up in bed searching for something? Or in a state of shock from the fear of being harmed? Or simply an abrupt end to a very “perceived as real” dream? If you have, then you must accept that awaking as a “response”. You can only “respond” if you are “aware”. So you must essentially accept that you are aware in your sleep. Only, you are aware to perceptions in a different realm. Similarly, deep sleep is also a state where the mind is aware. But apart from being aware, it is also a state where the senses have been calmed. The mind is therefore, closest to being aware of the self.

I believe, each row in the game of “Buddhi Yoga”, relates to our awareness (in all states), and simultaneously to different stages and maturity levels in our life. The spine on the game board, identifies the path of yogic development for the human body. For the practicing yogin, the path of kāma and karma, can be “bypassed” for the attainment of liberation. However, for the player, an individual living in the social context, the path of kāma and karma are the only options. The path, of the kārmic player, has a serpentine pattern, but meets /crosses with the yogin’s path intermittently. These “crossing” points define the overall experience of the player in that stage or level.

Here is how, I think, I would experience these different stages in my perceived reality, the reality of our inner awareness, and the reality achievable through yogic practices and development –

1st Stage – Row 1 [Up to age of 9] – Self-centered – A Child

The Child, The Elemental StageThe player, a child, experiences herself as a “self-centered” being. The child is not much aware her surroundings. She just attracts attention to her needs, unaware of its impact on others. The weaknesses are in the raw most form. There are no easy paths (ladders) out of this stage. The dilemma of this stage is that while “attachment”, “greed”, “desire” are all fundamental elements for survival, one must understand them beyond the “gross” to allow the growth of the rational, human and divine self. By overcoming this stage, the player becomes open to knowledge and no longer asserts herself as much. The player learns to “abstain”. This is also the stage of the 1st chakra (mulādhāra), which is located at the base of the spine, between the anus and the genitals. The element of the first chakra is earth and the colour is yellow. The dominant sensory experience is smell. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “freefaller” (on the stomach) for 10 to 12 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra gives the yogin the power to make herself invisible if she so wishes.

2nd Stage – Row 2 [Up to age of 18] – High Energy and Fantasy – Adolescence / Teen

The Adolescence, The layer of Fine Arts and MusicThe player, now a tween and a teen, experiences the “Realm of Fantasy”; experiences puberty, an attraction for the opposite sex, develops and aesthetic sense and an interest in the fine arts. In this stage, the player is enveloped in the perception of her sensory organs. The player is introduced to the first ladders and snakes of the game. “Tapa” or “purification” is the process of controlling your sense organs or “Indriyas” through your will. This leads the player directly to “Swarga”, the celestial plane. It immediately raises her to the 8th stage. At the same time, the player is vulnerable to “dvea” (jealousy) and “ryā” (envy). This is also the stage of the 2nd chakra (swadhisthāna), located in the region of the sex organs. The element of the 2nd chakra is water and the colour is light blue. The dominant sensory experience is taste. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “fetal” (curled up) for 8 to 10 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra makes the yogin beloved to all. She gets command over prose, poetry and reasoned discourse, can control the elements and command the love of any animal or beast.

3rd Stage – Row 3 [Up to age of 27] – Ego and Identification – Youth

They Youth, The HeavensThe player, now a youth, experiences the need to “establish her identity” and “to associate with a group / ideology”. The player in stage experiences her “ego”. The player tempers her ego through “paramārtha” (selfless service) dharma (conscious and “stateless” action) and “dāna” (charity), and is vulnerable to “kusangati” (bad company). Thus suggest the 3 ladders and the snake at this level. This also the stage of the 3rd chakra (manipuraka) which is located at the root of the navel in the lumbar plexus. The element of the 3rd chakra is fire and the colour is red. The dominant sensory experience is sight. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “soldier” (on the back) for 6 to 8 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra gives the yogin the power the power of healing. She is able to destroy sorrow and disease and gain the knowledge of the different lokas (planes of existence).

4th Stage – Row 4 [Up to age of 36] – Responsibility, Family – Adult

The Adult, The layer of Calm and ThoughtlessnessThe player, here a home-builder, is now able to understand others and appreciate their attributes. The player in this stage experiments with “balance”. She tries to rectify past mistakes and understand “what leads to “bhakti”. “Sudharma” (one’s own dharma) accelerates her forward, while “adharma” (actions inspired by “material / physical attachments”) pulls her to the lowermost level forcing her to re-evaluate, re-learn and re-initiate her journey from “moha”. This is the stage of the 4th chakra (anāhata) which resides in the heart and the colour is green. The dominant sensory experience is tactile / touch. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “log” (sleeping on the left side) for 5 to 6 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra gives the yogin the power to become invisible, unnoticeable and levitate or travel at will. She is able to see objects of both the visible and the invisible universes and gains mastery over time.

5th Stage – Row 5 [Up to age of 45] – Teaching – Parent

The Parent, The layer of the Progenitors of the Human RaceThe player, now a parent, experiences a need to instruct others based on one’s own experiences, often with the responsibilities of parenthood. The path of this stage starts with “gyāna” (knowledge) and ends with “suvidyā” (apt knowledge). While “gyāna” accelerates the player to “ānandaloka” (an experience of the “ultimate in beauty”), “suvidyā” raises the player to “rudralokaa” (the plane of shiva, the “doer of cosmic good”). The player in this stage is vulnerable to “avidyā” (ignorance of the infinite within) and must succumb to the experience of “kāma” (desires) and fall to the lowest level. This is the stage of the 5th chakra (vishuddhi) residing in the throat and the colour is purple. Beyond the realm of the senses, the dominant experience is that of meditation. Specifically the player meditates on the sound of her breath which she hears as “So Ham” (“That I am”). The player sleeps 4 to 5 hours daily switching sides. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra gives the yogin the power to rejuvenate at will.

6th Stage – Row 6 [Up to age of 54] – Observation – Grand Parent

The Grand Parent, The layer of the AseticsThe player, now the parent of the youth, becomes an observer. She sees the patterns and practices of a new generation emerging. She becomes an observer of her own energy patterns. They also re-assess their past “karma” under the light of their more experienced selves. This stage starts with the player realising her “viveka” (conscience) and ends with “bhakti” the supreme devotion that leads directly to “moksha” (liberation). The player must realise that she is vulnerable to “violence” and will fall to the 4th stage if she succumbs. Realising her conscience as the Supreme Consciousness she experiences “sukha” now knowing for sure that the goal of moksha can be reached in her lifetime. This is also the stage of the 6th chakra (ajna) residing on the brow (the third eye) and the colour is indigo. The player meditates on the sound of her breath, which she now hears as “Ham Sa” (“I am that”). Sleep is a “limitation” that a person in this chakra has already conquered. Tāntric texts suggest that a yogin who masters this chakra gains great psychic powers and all karmas accumulated during past lives are destroyed.

7th Stage – Row 7 [Up to age of 63] – Seeker – The Senior

The Seeker, The layer of the CreatorsThe player, now a senior in the society, seeks to define and establish welfare and become a guide towards a larger cause. A cause beyond her own well-being. She is well settled in life and now aims to seek for the truth or seeks to “merge with the truth”. At this stage, the player is almost assured of “moksha” (freedom from the cycle of birth and death). However, she is also vulnerable to “tamas” (in-action), “durbhuddhi” (negativity), and “ahaṅkāra” (egotism). The player, in this stage, discovers the “oṇkār”, experiences the true essence of air and light and understands “right knowledge”. All these are essential in her quest for “Vaikuṇṭha”. This is also the stage of the highest chakra (sahasrāra / brahmarandra) located at the top of the head and the colour is violet. The player in this stage is filled with the light of the supreme consciousness and bliss. Tāntric texts suggest that a person who masters this chakra also masters the eight “siddhis” and becomes a “true master”. She, by merely her will, can create anything.

8th Stage – Row 8 [Up to age of 72+] – Rishi – The Divine

The “Seer” of the Truth. Here the player has become the hero and mentor of the society. This stage is the stage of the “absolute”, of the cosmic consciousness, of “brahmā”, “vishnu” and “mahesha”. If the player does not achieve “Vaikuṇṭha” in her passage on this stage, she must descend to earth to work her way back up from the 6th chakra.
