My Karmakshetra

I am the Youth

Ego and Identification – Youth

The player is in her youth. She experiences the need to “establish her identity” and “to associate with a group / ideology”. She experiences her “ego”.

Here, the player tempers her ego through “paramārtha” (selfless service), dharma (conscious and “stateless” action) and “dāna” (charity). She is also vulnerable to “kusangati” (bad company) as suggested by the 3 ladders and the snake at this level.

This also the stage of the 3rd chakra (manipuraka) which is located at the root of the navel in the lumbar plexus. The element of the 3rd chakra is fire and the colour is red. The dominant sensory experience is sight. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “soldier” (on the back) for 6 to 8 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra gives the yogin the power the power of healing. She is able to destroy sorrow and disease and gain the knowledge of the different lokas (planes of existence).



Highest goal, Ultimate goal, selfless service of helping or doing work for someone. “paramārtha” is acting with the intent to benefit all. It is an attitude, a personality that the player now imbibes “param” means supreme and “arth” means meaning. Together they imply actions done harmoniously with nature while being fully conscious and aware of dharma. When the player does her “duty” without thought of right or reward, she becomes selfless.

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anxiety, stress a feeling of worry, nervousness about something with an uncertain outcome., cintā bears down the player, bringing her sort of “back to reality”. cintā wraps the player in a blanket of possibilities and blurs her vision. She has to “take a leap of faith”, an “unsure step”. Notice how “parmārtha” accelerates the player beyond it. cintā is easy to throw away. As easily as rolling the die when it comes again to the player on her next turn.

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good company, admirable and acceptable company. “susaṅgati” is the company that a player who searches for her identity within, finds herself in. The seeker will find company in other seekers. To be successful in her quest of finding her identity, she will follow the path of dharma. susaṅgati provides an atmosphere of trust and compassion, that allows the player to grow away from old identifications towards her inner self. satsaṅgati, is the company of saints or the company of truth.

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bad company, accompanied by unwanted people. “संसर्गजा दोषगुणा भवन्ति”, Faults and virtues owe their origin to association. (bhagawad gitā 13.33. Friends who indulge in sensual pleasures encourage the player away from “bhāgwata dharma” are “bad company” which corrupts good character” as the Bible famously says.

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heaven, a place regarded in various religions as the abode of God. Celestial World, a place, state, or experience of supreme bliss. Indra’s heaven, the place where Indra lives. In the bharatiya tradition, this is the highest loka that perishes and is reborn every day of each day of brahmā, the creator. The devas of swarga loka are “shining angels”, and the element is fire. To qualify into heaven, the player should have mastered control over her sense organs and organs of action.

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“dharma loka” is the plane of the “eternal law of creation, of cosmic law.” It is the cell where the player answers the question “what is right?”. dharma is constant, but its manifestations vary from situation to situation. There is no higher dharma than doing good for others, there is no adharma worse than causing harm to another. dharma can be understood when related to conduct, yet it is far more than a code of conduct, of morality and ethics.

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atonement, the action of making amends for a wrong or injury. Reparation, the action of repairing something. “prāyaścitta” is atonement. It is the realisation of the consequences of one’s actions in the cycle of births and deaths. Why should I atone? The story of Indra in brahmavaivarta purāna is very apt.

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gift, a thing given willingly to someone without payment. Donation, something that is given to a charity, especially a sum of money. “dāna” is charity. It is to be done selflessly and with humility. The player must be careful to not commit to charity with a feeling of attachment, ego, arrogance or pride. The “reality of need” and “the desire to share” are both understood through this cell. Charity is one of the most important pillars on the plane of karma.

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Karma Yoga

Karma Yoga

action, The fact or process of doing something, typically to achieve an aim. “karma yoga” is the responsibility to act. This is the plane of action, the first cell on the 3rd row of the game board. The player entering adulthood first realises “responsibility”. She might have many questions – How should we act? Does action leads to bondage? In the bhagawad gitā, Sri Krishna explains karma yoga – The path of “unselfish work”, without desire or greed is the path of karma yoga (3.03).

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