
binding energy of existence.
The net energy needed for continued survival.

quality of purity or goodness
Standard of decency.


“Sattvaguna” Binding energy of existence, Quality of purity or goodness.


Sattvaguna is one of the three gunas, or qualities of nature, in Indian philosophy. The other two gunas are rajas and tamas. Sattvaguna is associated with purity, clarity, and goodness. It is often seen as the highest of the three gunas, and it is said to be the guna of the gods.

The earliest references to sattvaguna are found in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. In these texts, sattvaguna is described as the guna of knowledge and wisdom. It is said to be the guna that allows one to see the world as it truly is, and it is said to be the guna that leads to moksha, or liberation from the cycle of samsara.

In the later Vedic texts, sattvaguna comes to be seen as a more complex guna. It is said that sattvaguna is not just a matter of having a pure mind, but it is also a matter of having a pure heart. Those who have sattvaguna are said to be compassionate, kind, and generous. They are also said to be able to see the good in all beings.

The concept of sattvaguna continues to be important in Hindu philosophy and practice. It is seen as a quality that is to be cultivated, and it is said to be essential for spiritual development.

On the game board

Sattvaguna is the quality of goodness. It is characterized by purity, clarity, and peace. Those who have sattvaguna are kind, compassionate, and wise.

The game is a reminder that we need to develop sattvaguna if we want to reach moksha. We can do this by practicing meditation, by studying the scriptures, and by being kind to others.
