Psychic development has been discussed variously by different psychologists and philosophers.  Freud speaks about the stages of psycho-sexual development. Eric Erikson speaks about the psycho-social stages of development. Yoga speaks about the sequential activation of the seven “chakras” as part of yogic development (mental and physical). Yogic development is also the development of our “perceived awareness”.

There are 3 states to our awareness, the awake, the asleep and the deep sleep. Our perception of “awareness” is usually in the awake state. However, consider this, have you ever woken up in bed searching for something? In a state of shock from the fear of being harmed? Or simply an abrupt end to a very “perceived as real” dream? If you have, then you must accept that awaking as a “response”. You can only “respond” if you are “aware”.  So you must essentially accept that you are aware in your sleep. Only, you are aware to perceptions in a different realm. Similarly, deep sleep is also a state where the mind is aware. But apart from being aware, it is also a state where the senses have been calmed. The mind therefore, is closest to being aware of the self.

I believe, each row in the game of “Buddhi Yoga”, relates to our awareness (in all states), and simultaneously to a stage and a maturity level in our life. The spine on the game board, identifies the path of yogic development for the human body. For the practicing yogin, the path of kāma and karma, can be “bypassed” for the attainment of liberation. However, for the individual living in a social context, the path of kāma and karma are the only options. The path of the kārmic player, has a serpentine pattern, but meets /crosses with the yogin’s path intermittently. These “crossing” points define the overall experience of the player in that stage or level.
