High Energy and Fantasy – Adolescence / Teen

The player experiences herself as an adolescent, as a teen.  She experiences the “Realm of Fantasy”, puberty, an attraction for the opposite sex, develops an aesthetic sense and an interest in the fine arts. In this stage of your life, you will recollect or experience, dreaming in the awake state.  This is commonly called “day dreaming”.  This is also your engagement with the “realm of fantasy”, which is the nāgaloka.

In this stage, the player is enveloped in the perception of her sensory organs. The player is introduced to the first ladders and snakes of the game. “Tapa” or “abstinence” is the process of controlling your sense organs or “indriyas” through your will. This leads the player directly to “Swarga”, the celestial plane.

She also experiences dayā or empathy for an unknown.  Have you observed how a young child begs her parents to give alms to a begger?  Almost as if she is feeling the pain of the begger and can not stand it.  The moment the parent donates, the child feels relaxed.  The child is not affected by the act of donation, but the satisfaction of the beggar relieves her.  This is empathy.  It immediately raises her to an experience of the divine.

This is also the stage in which the player  is vulnerable to “dveṣa” (jealousy) and “ịrṣyā” (envy).

The aspect of Yoga

This is also the stage of the 2nd chakra (swadhisthāna), located in the region of the sex organs. The element of the 2nd chakra is water and the colour is light blue. The dominant sensory experience is taste. The sleeping posture associated with this stage is the “fetal” (curled up) for 8 to 10 hours nightly. Tāntric texts suggest that mastering this chakra makes the yogin beloved to all. She gets command over prose, poetry and reasoned discourse, can control the elements and command the love of any animal or beast.
