
binding energy of action


“Rajaguna” Binding energy of action.


The earliest references to rajasguna are found in the Vedas, the oldest scriptures of Hinduism. In these texts, rajasguna is described as the guna of action and change. It is said to be the guna that drives one to seek out new experiences, and it is said to be the guna that leads to both good and bad outcomes.

In the later Vedic texts, rajasguna comes to be seen as a more complex guna. It is said that rajasguna is not just a matter of being active, but it is also a matter of being passionate. Those who have rajasguna are said to be ambitious, driven, and competitive. They are also said to be easily distracted and restless.

The concept of rajasguna continues to be important in Hindu philosophy and practice. It is seen as a quality that can be both beneficial and harmful. It is beneficial when it is used in a positive way, such as to drive one to achieve great things. However, it can also be harmful when it is used in a negative way, such as to lead one to engage in harmful behaviors.

On the game board

Rajasguna is the quality of activity. It is characterized by passion, desire, and ambition. Those who have rajasguna are driven to achieve their goals.
